This all adds up to an immensely powerful architecture, the potential of which can be explored nearly endlessly and often with hardly predictable outcomes. Surely in the hands of skilled sound designer it will have many other applications beyond that. Peak follower - It’s a must -have for a Modulator nothing else will do such expressive wah- wah effect, when filter cutoff is influenced by.Envelope - In combination with built-in Transient Detector gives you a very powerful tool when app lied on amplitude allows to freely shape sound’s dynamics to control how it blends in the whole mix.

At extreme settings, the LFO is capable of twisting the input signal utterly beyond recognition and into what you might expect transmissions from an alien civilization to sound like! LFO - Used subtly on time parameter can delicately bring a sound to life, to add gently flowing, modulated warmth reminiscent of the analog delays of yesteryear.

There are three different modes a Modulator can operate in: Amplitude modulator (for tremolo effects) But that's not all: Sigmund has two general-purpose Modulators which can be used to auto-modulate some of the delay lines' internal parameters.Multi-mode Filter (can work either in or outside of the feedback loop).With Sigmund, this is especially true: each of the delay lines has complementary modules built-in, independent from the feedback loop:

There's an ancient saying, often attributed to Aristotle: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Sigmund is far from just another delay: it consists of four discrete delay units, each with its own, independent set of parameters offering an incredible degree of sound-shaping freedom.